How’s your ROI from QA?
Time-to-market increasing?
App ratings dropping?
Team morale suffering?
GuerrillaQA can help.
Fred Beringer“…I’ve worked with dozens of QA organization during my time at SOASTA and Steven’s team is probably the best one I had a chance to work with…”
We Do More With Less
GuerrillaQA works with tech companies that struggle delivering high quality software. GQA shows them how to increase ROI on their quality assurance spend while improving their team’s morale and competitive edge.
The unique GuerrillaQA approach focuses on increasing the return on your quality assurance spend.
Quality Assessment
In-depth, efficient analysis of your business and quality needs with focus on leveraging existing resources to level up your testing game.
Strategic Planning
Expert design planning providing the clear path to successful and efficient testing practices. Key focus on bringing Quality to the far left, building it in by design, and not an afterthought.
Over two decades of successful execution of leading edge testing best practices are available to take your company to the next level on your software delivery!
Latest Blog Posts
Start with what’s right.
I'm a simple man. Hard as I try to look cool, I'm but a simple being. And I sure get caught up in the details of things more than I really want to. What I tend to find, time and time again, is that the root solution to all problems, issues, and challenges is usually a...
Why the hell “Guerrilla QA”?
Gaining great advantages due to its adaptivity, guerrilla warfare tactics closely resemble many of the same methods used by the QA organizations I've been involved with in that: We've never had all the resources we desperately needed We continually dealt with changing...
Mobile Dev + Test 2015: Continuous Mobile Testing
Howdy Folks Just found the presentation I did last year as an invited speaker at Mobile Dev + Test 2015 in San Diego. Big props and bigger gratitude goes out to Alison Wade for inviting me and the opportunity to be part of their very first conference! Speaking again...