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How’s your ROI from QA?


Time-to-market increasing?
App ratings dropping?
Team morale suffering?
GuerrillaQA can help.

GQA Keynote: Better Software West Conf 2016

Better Software West logo from Techwell

GuerrillaQA Featured at Dev + Test Conference 2016

IoTDev + Tech Logo from Techwell

GuerrillaQA at the Continuous Mobile Test Conference

Mobile Dev + Test Logo from Techwell

“…I’ve worked with dozens of QA organization during my time at SOASTA and Steven’s team is probably the best one I had a chance to work with…”

Fred Beringer

VP Customer Experience, Shutterfly

We Do More With Less

GuerrillaQA works with tech companies that struggle delivering high quality software.  GQA shows them how to increase ROI on their quality assurance spend while improving their team’s morale and competitive edge.

The unique GuerrillaQA approach focuses on increasing the return on your quality assurance spend.


Quality Assessment

In-depth, efficient analysis of your business and quality needs with focus on leveraging existing resources to level up your testing game.


Strategic Planning

Expert design planning providing the clear path to successful and efficient testing practices. Key focus on bringing Quality to the far left, building it in by design, and not an afterthought.


Over two decades of successful execution of leading edge testing best practices are available to take your company to the next level on your software delivery!

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IoT and the Wisdom of Mobile

IoT and the Wisdom of Mobile

Industrial revolutions come and they go. Their impact measured over time by the progress their disruptions brings and, typically, measured in how we reacted and evolved due to that disruption. Personal computing, the Internet, and Mobile devices are all prime examples...

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